About Us
Genomix Biotech Inc. is founded in 2003 and is engaged in developing tools for affordable and quality healthcare using biomedical research, biotechnology and/or biopharmaceuticals. In the first quarter of 2007, its sister concern Genomix Molecular Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. and Genomix Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2013) are established in Hyderabad, India. Recently, Genomix CARL Pvt. Ltd., a public Private Partnership joint venture is initiated in the year 2015 in collaboration with Government of Andhra Pradesh at APCARL, Pulivendula.
The philosophy behind Genomix is to provide highest quality healthcare needs of the selected Resource limited population, Point of Care areas and extend to the rest of the world. The focus of Genomix is to identify the crucial needs, explore the problems through fundamental research and develop best quality diagnostics tools, compounds and or biopharmaceuticals for therapeutic intervention of disease processes.
Genomix Biotech augments its product line by securing manufacture technologies from partners worldwide TRPVB (TANUVAS), ICMR, Yogi Vemana University, NIAB, and Centers for disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other national and International Institutions. Genomix is funded by DBT, and NIH that it is well poised to be the Livestock biotech leader. Genomix Biotech has a world-class research team, an experienced management from internationally renounced institutes like NIH, CDC to lead and excellent partners who believe in teamwork and success. R&D team has extensive hands on experience in the areas of fundamental and applied research fields to develop rapid diagnostic kits, ELISA, Isothermal PCR novel instrumentation and innovative methodologies. Genomix is ISO 9001-2008, ISO 13485 certified and manufacturing more than 86 diagnostic assay products under GMP and GLP conditions with Drug Control approvals. Genomix has obtained several funded projects from DBT, US Army, CDC and trained hundreds of young scientists worldwide.
Genomix manufactures broad range of Rapid diagnostic kits, ELISA and Isothermal PCR based molecular diagnostic assays and handheld instrumentation to detect pathogens affecting human including HIV, Hb(S) Ag, HCV, Dengue, Chikungunya and canine, poultry and veterinary health care including Brucellosis, Glanders, EIA, Wild animal and bovine TB, Leptospira, New Castle Viral Disease, IBD, Foot and Mouth disease, Blue tongue disease, PPRV, Listeria etc. One of our focuses is also to develop assays and kits to help people at resource limited areas and economically challenged populations in the world. Our R&D team includes large number of young scientists working towards their Ph.D., degree registered at different universities.
The main focus of Genomix R&D is to identify the crucial needs of common man, neglected/under-served rural communities, economically challenged populations, resource limited areas and explore the problems through fundamental research and develop best quality compounds or biopharmaceuticals for therapeutic intervention of disease processes and diagnostics and vaccines and instrumentation with state of the art technologies. Genomix has obtained several funded projects from DBT, US Army, CDC and trains hundreds of young scientists worldwide.

Dr. Ratnagiri Polavarapu
President & CEO
About Ratnagiri Polavarapu
Dr. Ratna Giri Polavarapu received his doctoral degree from Madras University in 1983 in the field of Biochemistry under the guidance of Prof. Naydamma, Director General of CSIR and Secretary to Science and Technology. Following that he received prestigious fellowship in 1983 at National Institutes of Health, and started his carrier as scientist in broad spectrum of fields in biomedical research until 1993. He gained extensive experience in the field of Molecular and cellular biology and use of state-of-the-art technologies that resulted in cloning several important gene families and their functional role in disease processes. He moved to Penn State University, School of Medicine as a faculty (1993-1997) and initiated research programs in cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and molecular aspects of drug metabolism and received several national grants and program projects. He also established molecular Core labs to serve the scientific community regarding their genomics needs.
Dr. Polavarapu headed as Director of DNA Core Facility and Professor in the departments of Biochemistry and Medicine, served in both research and teaching capacities at Emory University. He established high throughput macromolecular core facility as one of the first core labs in the country for automated DNA sequencing, High-density Microarray Gene Chip technology; laser captured microscopy (LCM), RT PCR and other state-of-the-art technologies and trained students and employees. He also involved in designing and execution of projects and collaborated with several investigators regarding their functional genomics studies (1997-2002). He joined CDC/Homeland Security (2002-2005) and played vital role and successfully deployed rapid detecting molecular methodologies and for bench marking rapid detection of several crucial agents of bioterrorism and received Certificate of Appreciation from Secretary of Homeland Security. He took over as Director of Operations at MWG Biotech, world leader in genomics and revitalized the work force, streamlined the production process and introduced high margin product lines and services to reflect on the sales and economy of the corporation (2005-2006).He is also serving as chairman of Numbers only Inc (1997-till date) and has been involved in an advisory role for the companys healthcare informatics initiatives.
He is also the founder of Genomix (2002-till date) which facilitates as incubator for several focused functional genomics projects using rapid molecular diagnostics kits and microarrays for clinical and research purposes, production of biopharmaceuticals, consultancy and CRO for automated sequencing and other functional genomics needs with strategic intelligence for QC, QA, ISO for biotech companies. He has received numerous awards and honors including CSIR fellowship, NIH Visiting Scientist award, and the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology young scientist. He has co-authored more than 40 research articles in international professional and chaired several national and international symposia. 2008 till date Adjunct Professor, Department of Genetics, Osmania University.
Kavi Kishore
Cheif Advisor
About Kavi Kishore
P.B. Kavi Kishor obtained Ph.D. degree in Botany in the year 1981 from the M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat . Worked as a Scientist from 1981 till 1984 in the Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad and as Associate Professor in the Department of Botany, Kakatiya University, Warangal till July 1989. Joined back the Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad in the year 1989. As a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, worked at the Biotechnology Center, Ohio State University, Ohio, USA from January 1992 till July 1994. After becoming Professor of Genetics in 1994, he has been serving the Department and Osmania University in several capacities. Started an Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics at the PGRR Center for Distance Education, Osmania University in August 2001 and established the facilities there. He also a P.G. Diploma in Bioinformatics in June 2006. Worked as Coordinator, UGC-SAP (Phase II & III), Chairman, BOS in Biotechnology (O.U) and as Course Coordinator, Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics. Published over 100 papers, edited two books, conducted several National and International symposia and workshops and visited 10 countries. He was Head, Department of Genetics from August 2004 till October 2006.
Currently he is serving the Department as Chairman, Board of Studies in Genetics. He produced 9 Ph.D.s so far and currently 10 students are working for Ph.D. He completed 9 research projects and currently he is having four including the CSIR NMITLI project (Rs. 87 lakhs), Indo Denmark collaborative project (Rs. 27 lakhs), UGC Major Research Project (11 lakhs) and a DST project (20 lakhs). He is an expert committee member of UGC, New Delhi, ICAR, New Delhi, and AICTE, New Delhi.
He received Professor Hiralal Chakravarthy Award in the year 1990. Received the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship, USA in 1994, University of Emory Fellowship, Atlanta, Gheorgia, USA in the year 2000, recived the Linnaeus-Palme Award in 2004 to visit Sweden and to work at the Linkoping University and also in Stockholm. He is a member of the Academic Senate, Osmania University (From 2006-till date). He is a Fellow of Botanical Society, member of the Indian Science Congress Association and an elected Fellow of the Plant Tissue Culture Association of India, Fellow of the Indian Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy and also a member of several scientific bodies. Currently working on Plant Molecular Biology especially abiotic stress tolerance, Plant Biotechnology mainly development of transgenics for down regulation of lignin biosynthesis and Molecular Modelling of Proteins using the tools of bioinformatics.
Mr. Ojasvi Polavarapu
Mr. Ojasvi Polavarapu is the General Manager and Director of Genomix Molecular Diagnostics Private limited. He has several years of experience in FMCG industry. He has performed several functions including Sales, Marketing, Product Development, and Strategic Management.Mr. Ojasvi Polavarapu graduated from Osmania University with a bachelors degree in Commerce. He received his Masters in IT from University Of Southern Queensland, Australia. He is an entrepreneur with vested interest in novel technology transfer and bringing ideas from bench to bed side.
Mr. Vijay Kumar Kanthamaneni
More than 25 years of experience in corporate management and industrial experience.